Hinduism: World's Third Largest Religion

Hinduism: World's Third Largest Religion

Possibly the oldest organized religion at 3000 years old, Hinduism recognizes Brahma as the origin and creator, with many gods including Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

About Hinduism: World's Third Largest Religion

PowerPoint presentation about 'Hinduism: World's Third Largest Religion'. This presentation describes the topic on Possibly the oldest organized religion at 3000 years old, Hinduism recognizes Brahma as the origin and creator, with many gods including Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. Comparative Religion: Hinduism

2. Hindusim  World’s third largest religion  Behind Christianity and Islam  Possibly world’s oldest organized religion  Roughly 3000 years old  Began in the Indus River valley (India)

3. Beliefs  Hindus recognize one god, Brahma , as the origin and creator of all things  There are many gods in Hinduism, but they are all Brahma  Three major gods  Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva

4. Beliefs  Brahma is not worshipped, because his job as creator is done  Hindus are classified according to which Brahman (god) they worship  Worshippers of Vishnu  Worshippers of Shiva  Worshippers of the Mother Goddess (Mahadevi)

5. Vishnu  Considered by his worshippers to be the greatest of gods  Preserves and protects the universe  Has appeared on earth many times to protect it from disaster  Avatar : Incarnation of gods on earth  Among these avatars is Siddartha (The Buddha)

6. Shiva  Is considered everything by his worshippers  Creator, sustainer, and destroyer  Without destruction, there can be no creation  Source of both good and evil in the world

7. The Mother Goddess  C o n s o r t ( S p o u s e ) o f t h e m a l e d e i t i e s  E n c o m p a s s e s t h o u s a n d s o f g o d d e s s e s  S y m b o l o f f e r t i l i t y a n d f e m a l e e n e r g y  C o u n t e r a c t s S h i v a ’ s m a s c u l i n i t y

8. The Cycle of Life  Souls pass through a series of lives  Each incarnation depends on how you lived your previous life  Karma

9. Karma  People build up good and bad karma in life  Karma affects their future lives  Death is the last cycle of each life  Must be treated with respect  The goal is to overcome desire and ignorance  The cycle will end

10. The Vedas  Vedas: Hindu scriptures  Define the rites and beliefs of the religion

11. The Caste System  There are four major castes  You are born into your social group, and cannot escape it  India has sought to outlaw the caste, but it still exists in many parts of the country


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