Understanding Vascular Disease and Occlusion

Understanding Vascular Disease and Occlusion

This article discusses the different types of diseases that affect arteries, veins, and lymphatics, as well as the pathological processes involved. It also explores the common causes of decreased perfusion and occlusion of blood vessels.

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About Understanding Vascular Disease and Occlusion

PowerPoint presentation about 'Understanding Vascular Disease and Occlusion'. This presentation describes the topic on This article discusses the different types of diseases that affect arteries, veins, and lymphatics, as well as the pathological processes involved. It also explores the common causes of decreased perfusion and occlusion of blood vessels.. The key topics included in this slideshow are vascular disease, arterial occlusion, venous disease, lymphatic disease, atherosclerosis,. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. Samuel Raymond R. W. 0906639915

2. Kelompok penyakit pada arteri, vena, dan limfatik Proses patologis : 1. Perubahan struktur dinding vaskular (degeneratif, infeksi, inflamasi) 2. Penyempitan lumen vaskular (aterosklerosis, trombosis, inflamasi) 3. Spasme otot polos vaskular Mostaghimi A, Crager MA. Disease of the peripheral vasculatureLilly LS. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. 2010

3. Penurunan perfusi ekstremitas dan organ lain akibat oklusi pembuluh darah Penyebab Tersering: 1. Penyakit arteri oklusif (aterosklerosis) 2. Penyakit oklusi akut (tromboembolisme) 3. Vaskulitis Mostaghimi A, Crager MA. Disease of the peripheral vasculatureLilly LS. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. 2010

5. Produksi cellular adhesion molecules sebagai respon protektif Mono sit dan sel T limfosit menempel ke sel endotel Bermigrasi dari endotel ke subendotel Terbentuk sel foam Kerusakan endotel Berubah jadi makrofag memakan LDL-C teroksidasi Fatty streak dan plak Merusak endotel dan menginduksi faktor koagulasi Penyakit arteri oklusif ( Aterosklerosis )

6. Predileksi : arteri pelvis / tungkai bawah Faktor risiko : merokok, DM, dislipidemia, hipertensi Insidens : > 40 tahun (dekade 6-7) Resiko 2-5x lebih tinggi serangan jantung 1. Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007 2. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease. (TASC II). 2007 3. Mostaghimi A, Crager MA. Disease of the peripheral vasculatureLilly LS. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. 2010

7. Demand O2 Supply O2 Perlu vasodilatasi meningkatkan suplai Obstruksi pada pembuluh darah iskemi ADAPTASI : perubahan pada struktur dan fungsi otot Nekrosis jaringan dan gangren Demand O2 Supply O2 exercise 1.Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007 2. Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease. (TASC II). 2007 3. Mostaghimi A, Crager MA. Disease of the peripheral vasculatureLilly LS. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. 2010

8. Klaudikasio intermiten Nyeri saat istirahat Tanda kardinal Tidak nyaman, lelah, nyeri pada sekelompok otot saat beraktivitas dan membaik saat istirahat Letak otot yang mengalami keluhan terletak distal dari arteri yang teroklusi Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007

9. Stenosis pada a. femoralis dan/atau poplitea Klaudikasio intermiten pada m.soleus dan gastroknemius Grays anatomy. 2009.

10. Klaudikasio intermiten Nyeri saat istirahat Tanda kardinal Dikarenakan jumlah aterosklerosis yang multipel Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007

11. Stenosis multipel pada a. femoralis dan/atau poplitea N y e r i t i d a k h a n y a t e r a s a s a a t a k t i v i t a s S u p l a i d a r a h m a k i n r e n d a h h i n g g a s a a t i s t i r a h a t p u n t i d a k m e n c u k u p i n y e r i s a a t i s t i r a h a t Grays anatomy. 2009.

12. Manifestasi Klinis Kronik Iskemi tungkai kronis kritis Iskemi tungkai kronis non kritis Akut Iskemi Tungkai Akut Lebih dari 2 minggu* L e b i h d a r i 2 m i n g g u * < 2 minggu* < 2 m i n g g u * * 2007 Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease

13. P e n u r u n a n p e r f u s i t u n g k a i s e c a r a m e n d a d a k y a n g m e n g a n c a m v i a b i l i t a s j a r i n g a n K r i t e r i a D i a g n o s i s 5 P P a i n n y e r i s a a t i s t i r a h a t < 1 4 h a r i P a l l o r p u c a t , s i a n o s i s P u l s e l e s s d e n y u t l e m a h a t a u t i d a k t e r a b a p a d a d i s t a l t u n g k a i P a r a e s t e s i a P a r a l i s i s t u n g k a i Iskemi Tungkai Akut Standar pelayanan medik RS jantung Harapan Kita. 2009

14. R a s a n y e r i a t a u t i d a k n y a m a n p a d a t u n g k a i y a n g d i r a s a k a n k e t i k a b e r a k t i v i t a s d a n b e l u m m e n y e b a b k a n l e s i d i d e r m i s K l a s i f i k a s i m e n u r u t F o n t a i n e I A s i m t o m a t i k I I a K l a u d i k a s i o r i n g a n ( d i a t a s 2 0 0 m ) I I b K l a u d i k a s i o b e r a t ( d i b a w a h 2 0 0 m ) I I I N y e r i s a a t i s t i r a h a t I V U l k u s a t a u g a n g r e n Iskemi tungkai kronis non kritis Standar pelayanan medik RS jantung Harapan Kita. 2009

15. N y e r i t u n g k a i t e r a s a s a a t i s t i r a h a t d e n g a n l e s i k u l i t b e r u p a u l k u s m a u p u n g a n g r e n K r i t e r i a D i a g n o s i s T e k a n a n s i s t o l i k a n k l e 5 0 - 7 0 m m H g p a d a p a s i e n d g n u l k u s i s k e m i a T e k a n a n s i s t o l i k a n k l e 3 0 - 5 0 m m H g p a d a p a s i e n d g n n y e r i k h a s s a a t i s t i r a h a t T e k a n a n s i s t o l i k i b u j a r i k a k i < 3 0 m m H g p a d a p a s i e n d g n D M t c P O 2 < 3 0 m m H g Iskemi tungkai kronis kritis Standar pelayanan medik RS jantung Harapan Kita. 2009

16. Pemeriksaan Fisik Pemeriksaan Penunjang Penurunan denyut distal stenosis Bruit Iskemia kronik berat : atrofi, pucat, sianosis, gangren, nekrosis (luka traumatik) Perfusi 1. Ankle-brachial indeks 2. Tekanan sistolik segmental 3. Pulse volume recordings Segmental Pressure Measurement Ankle/Brachial Index Treadmill Exercise Testing Duplex Ultrasound Imaging Magnetic Resonance Angiography Computed Tomographic Angiography Contrast Angiography,

17. Segmental Limb Systolic Pressure Measurement (SLP) Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007

18. Tujuan pengobatan: Mengurangi nyeri saat aktivitas Klaudikasio intermiten Mengurangi nyeri iskemi Mengobati ulkus Meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien mengembalikan fungsi tungkai) dan menyelamatkan hidup pasien C hronic L imb I schemic Mengurangi perburukan iskemi Menyelamatkan tungkai dan nyawa Acute L imb I schemic 2007 Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease

19. Antiplatelet & modifikasi faktor resiko (menurunkan resiko PJK) Terapi suportif mencegah trauma / restriksi vaskular (olahraga berjalan) Terapi farmakologi cilostazol (vasodilator & antiplatelet), angiogenic growth factor Pembedahan revaskularisasi, amputasi 2007 Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease

21. oklusi arteri perifer akibat materi ateromatosa (kolesterol, platelet, dan fibrin) dari pembuluh darah proksimal. Penyebab emboli paling banyak berasal dari jantung 50 60% spontan; setelah prosedur intraarterial kateterisasi jantung Cedera jaringan tergantung pada lokasi, durasi oklusi, dan derajat sirkulasi kolateral. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350

22. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350

23. 5P : pain, pallor, paralysis, paresthesia, dan pulselessness (+poikilotermia) Nyeri akut Sindrom blue toe gangrene dan nekrosis. Livedo reticularis (bintik ungu pada kulit), gagal ginjal dan iskemia intestinal 1. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 2. Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed.

24. Farmakologi Non Farmako Antikoagulan (heparin warfarin) Mencegah pembesaran sumbatan + mengurangi risiko emboli di tempat lain Kateter : trombolisis / tromboektomi Pembedahan embolektomi Pembedahan bypass 1. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 2. Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed.

26. Inflamasi yang terjadi pada dinding pembuluh darah yang disebabkan oleh deposisi kompleks imun atau cell mediated immune reactions Dibagi menjadi 3: Takayasu arteritis Giant cell arteritis Thromboangilitis obliterans (Buerger disease) Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350

27. KOMPLEKS IMUN Aktivasi jalur komplemen Kemoatraktan & anafilatoksin (migrasi neutrofil & peningkatan permeabilitas) Neutrofil konten lisosomal + toksin radikal bebas oksigen Vessel injury CELL MEDIATED IMMUNE REACTION Limfosit T + antigen vaskular Pelepasan limfokin (menarik limfosit & makrofag) Nekrosis vaskular & trombosis lokal Iskemia organ Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350

28. Takayasu Arteritis Giant Cell Arteritis Tromboangitis Obliterans Lokasi Aorta & cabang utama Arteri sedang-besar (kranial, aorta+cabang) Arteri kecil-sedang distal (inflamasi segmental) Prevalensi 1-3 per 1 juta 80-90% wanita 10-40 tahun 24 per 100.000 >50 tahun, 65% wanita Pria <45 tahun, merokok HLA-A9 &HLA B-5 + Gejala Malaise & demam Iskemia serebrovaskular, miokard, claudication lengan, hipertensi Polimialgia rheumatika Nyeri kepala Nyeri wajah + fatigue mengunyah Gangguan penglihatan Oklusi arteri distal fatigue, iskemia Fenomena Raynaud Thrombophlebitis Histologi Inflamasi g ranulomatosa, proliferasi & gangguan elastisitas intima, fibrosis Infiltrasi limfosit + makrofag, fibrosis intima, nekrosis fokal + granuloma Inflamasi & thrombosis tanpa nekrosis (keterlibatan vaskular minimal) Pemeriksaan ESR & CRP meningkat USG : halo hipoechoic sekitar lumen arteri stenosis Penanda inflamasi & penyakit autoimun (-) Arteriograf : stenosis segmental (distal berat), corkscrew kolateral, aterosklerosis proks(-) Tatalaksana Steroid & sitotoksik, pembedahan bypass Steroid sistemik dosis tinggi Penghentian merokok, debridemen Prognosis 5 tahun 80-90% Self limiting 1-5 tahun Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 - 2

30. : Spasme otot polos vaskular Vasospastik arteri digitalis yang biasanya terjadi saat temperatur dingin/ stress emosional respons simpatik Patogenesis: Vasospasme vasokonstriksi ekstrem obliterasi lumen vaskular menghambat aliran darah. Predominan: Wanita 20-40 tahun Karaktersitik tiga fase perubahan warna : 1. Memucat karena aliran darah terhambat. 2. Sianosis akibat akumulasi lokal hemoglobin terdesaturasi 3. Memerah akibat kembalinya aliran darah 1. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 2. Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed.

31. Primer 60% jari tangan, 40% ibu jari kaki Prognosis : baik Sekunder Timbul akibat suatu kondisi tertentu : Penyakit jaringan ikat (skleroderma, SLE), pernyakit arteri oklusif, obat, thermal, vibrasi 1. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 2. Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed.

32. Hindari lingkungan dingin , gunakan pakaian hangat Antivasospasme : calcium channel brocker, -adrenergik bloker (kondisi berat) 1. Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 5 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2011. p. 350 2. Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed.

33. Libby: Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8th ed. 2007 Inter-Society Consensus for the Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease. (TASC II). 2007 Mostaghimi A, Crager MA. Disease of the peripheral vasculatureLilly LS. Pathophysiology of Heart Disease. 2010 Lilly LS. Pathophysiology of heart disease. 4 th ed. Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2007. p. 349-63 Kumar, Abbas, Fausto. Robbins and Cotrans pathologic basis of disease. 7 th ed. Fauci, et al. Harrisons principles of internal medicie. 17 th ed. USA : McGraw-Hill; 2008.
