Kickoff Meeting for ECOSCELLS Project at Université d'Avignon

Kickoff Meeting for ECOSCELLS Project at Université d'Avignon

General presentation of the project and partners, followed by technical discussions on Task 2 and other tasks. ECOSCELLS project aims to develop efficient co-operating small cells with partners including Bell Labs, Orange Labs, and INRIA.

About Kickoff Meeting for ECOSCELLS Project at Université d'Avignon

PowerPoint presentation about 'Kickoff Meeting for ECOSCELLS Project at Université d'Avignon'. This presentation describes the topic on General presentation of the project and partners, followed by technical discussions on Task 2 and other tasks. ECOSCELLS project aims to develop efficient co-operating small cells with partners including Bell Labs, Orange Labs, and INRIA.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### Kick off ECOSCELLS Project 9 November 2009 Universit DAvignon

2. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### Agenda 11h-12h30 : General presentation of the project & the partners 12h30 14h : Lunch 14h 15h30 : Technical discussions : focus on Task 2 15h30 17h : Technical discussions : Other Tasks

3. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### ECOSCELLS = E fficient CO operating S mall Cells ECOSCELLS Project ECOSCELLS Bell Labs Alcatel-Lucent INRIA 3ROAM SIRADEL Orange Labs LSS Supelec LAAS Eurecom Sequans Univ. Avignon

4. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### General presentation Develop algorithms and solutions necessary for the deployment of a network of "small cells" (SCN for Small Cells Network). The theoretical studies target define models necessary for the description of radio channels & set up algorithms exploiting the diversity of these networks (users, channels, interference). The originality and the ambition of the project Exploit i nterference between cells for an optimal use of radio resources. The algorithms based on the most advanced developments in terms of distribution, game theory or reinforcement learning. Architecture and the algorithms necessary for the proper functioning of the collection network of a SCN will be provided. Validation simulations and industrial development platform develop a prototype of a base station of SCN. This experimental approach will validate the industrial value of the concept of SCN. The consortium is composed of two major industrial groups in the world of telecommunications, 3 PME and 6 research organizations (public and private).

5. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### Tasks overview Task Description Responible T1 Management ST1.1 Coordination Alcatel lucent ST1.2 Dissemination Alcatel Lucent T2 Scenarios and challenges for small cells networks ST2.1 Radio models INRIA/SWING ST2.2 System architecture and cell deployment Alcatel Lucent ST2.3 System parameter design UAPV ST2.4 Backauling network architecture INRIA/ MASCOTTE T3 Auto tuning algorithms and resource allocation for Small Cells ST3.1 Optimization of Resource allocation for small cells networks UAPV ST3.2 Distributed learning algorithms for small cells networks INRIA/Maestro ST3.3 Reinforcement Learning algorithms and coordination mechanisms for small cells networks INRIA/Maestro T4 Robust and energy-efficient backhauling infrastructure ST4.1 Energy-aware and reliable infrastructure design INRIA/ MASCOTTE ST4.2 Multi-objective routing and network configuration INRIAMASCOTTE ST4.3 Dynamic reconfiguration INRIA/ MASCOTTE T5 Prototyping ST5.1 Solution integration Sequans ST5.2 Prototype implementation Alcatel Lucent T6 Simulation and validation ST6.1 System simulation Siradel ST6.2 Experimental validation Alcatel Lucent

6. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### Delivrables overview

7. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### ANR following procedure Points importants : 1. Rapports: 2. Livrables : A transfrer lANR 3. Revues: 4. Accord de consortium 5. Runions: A dcider par les partenaires 6. Communication: un rsum public pour site ANR + un site propre au projet 7. Publication mention: ce travail a bnfici dune aide de lAgence Nationale de la Recherche portant la rfrence ANR-09-VERS-001: ECOSCELLS . 8. Colloques: Dbut Janvier, organis par lANR un poster prparer T0+6 T0+18 Rapport final D but projet Mi-parcours Fin de projet Tr s important: faire signer par tous les partenaires avant T0+12

8. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, ##### Points de discussion Annexe technique les recommandations de lANR les responsables/partenaires de livrables les man-powers dans les taches sont correctes Les outils de simulation premire validation des algorithmes Les normes viss : WiMax ou LTE Accord de consortium les correspondants pour chaque partenaire

9. All Rights Reserved Alcatel-Lucent 2006, #####


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