Average Value of a Function Formula

Average Value of a Function Formula

Learn the formula for finding the average value of a function and use a calculator to find the value of f(x)=xln(x) on the interval [1,e]. Alternatively, solve for the average value of a function over an interval without a calculator.

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About Average Value of a Function Formula

PowerPoint presentation about 'Average Value of a Function Formula'. This presentation describes the topic on Learn the formula for finding the average value of a function and use a calculator to find the value of f(x)=xln(x) on the interval [1,e]. Alternatively, solve for the average value of a function over an interval without a calculator.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Section 8.4 – Average Value of a Function7.1

Slide2One more formula…..The Average Value of a Function Find the average value of

Slide3CALCULATOR REQUIREDThe average value of f(x) = x ln x on the interval [1, e] is: a) 0.772 b) 1.221 c) 1.359 d) 1.790 e) 2.097

Slide4NO CALCULATORThe average value of            over the interval                 is:

Slide5if                , then the average rate of change of y with respectto x on the closed interval [0, 4] is: a) 1/16 b) 1 c) 4/3 d) e)  2 NO CALCULATOR

Slide6CALCULATOR REQUIREDThe level of air pollution at a distance x miles from a tire factory is given by                            .  The average level of pollution between 10 and 20 miles from the factory is: a) 0.226 b) 0.230 c) 0.234 d) 0.238 e) 0.242

Slide8Find the average value ofFind the average value of a)  [-1, 0]                      b)  [0, 1]                       c)  [-1, 1]

Slide9NO CALCULATOROf the average value of            over the interval [1, b] is 13/3, then the value of b could be: a) 7/3 b) 3 c) 11/3 d) 4 e) 13/3

Slide10CALCULATOR REQUIREDThe functions f and g above are defined on the closed interval [0, b].  They will have the same average value if b is: a) 0.848 b) 0.852 c) 0.854 d) 0.858 e) 0.862 Graph and find the zero……. 0.854 – Choice C