Taxing the Colonists: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War

Taxing the Colonists: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War

Despite their victory in the French and Indian War, Parliament was left with a hefty bill to pay for the cost of military efforts in the colonies. To

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About Taxing the Colonists: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War

PowerPoint presentation about 'Taxing the Colonists: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War'. This presentation describes the topic on Despite their victory in the French and Indian War, Parliament was left with a hefty bill to pay for the cost of military efforts in the colonies. To. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1They won the French and Indian war, but parliamentstill had to pay for it.

Slide2Taxing the Colonists George Greenville asked Parliament to tax the colonists. They had to keep an army in the colonies to protect against attack.

Slide3The Sugar Act Put taxes on Molasses and Sugar imported by the colonists.

Slide4Cracking down on Smuggling British officials tried harder to arrest smugglers. Traders had to make a list of what was on their ships and had to be approved before they could leaver the port.

Slide5Stop and Search British ships stopped other ships to search for smuggling goods.

Slide6Changing the Legal System Parliament gave greater powers to the Vice-Admiralty courts.  They had no juries, and the judges treated suspected smugglers as guilty until proven innocent.  Regular British Courts it was the opposite.

Slide7Taxation without Representation No one in Britain had asked the colonists if they wanted to be taxed.  The colonists had no direct representatives in Parliament.

Slide8Committees of Correspondence Samuel Adams helped found and spread the ideas of no taxation to the other colonies.  A popular method of protest  BOYCOTT  BOYCOTT      This is  where people refused to buy British goods.

Slide9Stamp Act This act required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal when they bought paper items.  Had to be paid for licenses, newspapers, pamphlets, and even playing cards.

Slide10Protest against the TAX Sons of Liberty: a secret society that sometimes used violence to frighten tax collectors.  Many courts shut down because the colonists refused to buy the stamps required for legal documents.  Businesses refused to buy stamps.

Slide11Repealing the Stamp Act In Boston they called on delegates from 9 colonies to fight against the act saying it was a violation of their rights and liberties.  Parliament in Britain was mad so they passed the Declaratory Act …..this stated that parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies “IN ALL CASES”

Slide12Townshend Acts Placed taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, tea.  Samuel Adams wrote a letter saying that the laws violated the legal rights of the colonists.  Tax collectors seized the ship Liberty on suspicion of smuggling.  This angered the ship owners and the SON”S OF LIBERTY.

Slide13British Soldiers arrive in Boston toRestore Order  The colonist didn’t like the British, The British didn’t like the colonists.  March 5, 1770 ….A soldier and a colonist were aguing and the soldier struck him, a crowd gathered around the soldier throwing snowballs and shouting insults.  The soldiers fired into the crowd of colonists. Killing 3 men CRISPUS ATTUCKS was killed.

Slide14Boston Massacre This is what the shooting was known as.  Samuel Adams and other protesters spread the word using propaganda.  Propaganda is a story only giving one side of the argument, against the British.

Slide15British Soldiers Released John Adams, Samuel Adams cousin defended the soldiers in court.  He argued self-defense and the soldiers went free.

Slide16Repealing the Townshend Act They took the taxes away from everything except tea.  Most of the Tea was being smuggled without paying taxes.  The British East India Company offered tea at a lower price than the smugglers could get it, and they still paid taxes on it.

Slide17The tea Act Allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonists.  December 16,1773 colonists disguised as Indians sneaked onto the 3 filled tea ships and dumped over 340 chests of Tea into the Harbor. This event is known as the  BOSTON TEA PARTY >

Slide18Intolerable Acts Boston Harbor closed until ruined tea was paid for.  Royal officials accused of crime were sent to Britain for trial. This let them see a friendlier judge.  Colonists had to house British Soldiers  General Thomas Gage became the new Governor of Massachusetts  All of this angered the colonists towards the British.

Slide19Writs of assistance Allowed tax collectors to search and seize smuggled goods.