Economics Principles in Action: Chapter 2 - Economic Systems

Economics Principles in Action: Chapter 2 - Economic Systems

This presentation, created by Prentice Hall Inc in 2001, explores the topic of economic systems. The chapter begins with an overview of the four economic questions that

About Economics Principles in Action: Chapter 2 - Economic Systems

PowerPoint presentation about 'Economics Principles in Action: Chapter 2 - Economic Systems'. This presentation describes the topic on This presentation, created by Prentice Hall Inc in 2001, explores the topic of economic systems. The chapter begins with an overview of the four economic questions that. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Presentation Pro Presentation  Pro ©  2001  by  Prentice  Hall,  Inc. ©  2001  by  Prentice  Hall,  Inc. Economics: Principles  in  Action Economics: Principles  in  Action Economics: Principles  in  Action Economics: Principles  in  Action C H A P T E R  2 Economic Systems

Slide211 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4  Every society must answer four questions: The  Four  Economic  Questions The  Four  Economic  Questions • What  goods and services should be produced? • How  should these goods and services be produced? • Who  produces these goods and services? • For whom  are the goods & services produced? Chapter  2,  Section  1 Chapter  2,  Section  1 2 2 3 3 4 4

Slide311 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Economic  Goals Economic  Goals Societies answer the four economic questions based on their values. Chapter  2,  Section  1 Chapter  2,  Section  1 Economic Goals Making the most of resources Economic efficiency Freedom from government intervention in the production and distribution of goods and services Economic freedom Assurance that goods and services will be available, payments will be made on time, and a safety net will protect individuals in times of economic disaster Economic security and predictability Fair distribution of wealth Economic equity Innovation leads to economic growth, and economic growth leads to a higher standard of living. Economic growth and innovation Societies pursue additional goals, such as environmental protection. Other goals 2 2 3 3 4 4

Slide411 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Four  Economic  Systems Four  Economic  Systems Chapter  2,  Section  1 Chapter  2,  Section  1 An  economic system  is the method used by a society to produce and distribute goods and services. 2 2 3 3 4 4

Slide511 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Why   Do  Markets  Exist? Why   Do  Markets  Exist? Markets exist because none of us produce all the goods and services we require to satisfy our needs and wants. Chapter  2,  Section  2 Chapter  2,  Section  2 A  market   is an arrangement that allows buyers and sellers to exchange goods and services. Voluntary Exchange  is when buyers & sellers are free to negotiate the conditions of a sale/purchase.  Needed for markets to be free. 3 3 4 4 1 1

Slide611 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Product market Factor market The  Free  Market  Economy The  Free  Market  Economy In a free market economy, households and business firms use markets to exchange money and products.  Households own the factors of production and consume goods and services. Chapter  2,  Section  2 Chapter  2,  Section  2 Households pay firms for goods and services. Firms supply households with goods and services. Households supply firms with land, labor, and capital. Firms pay households for land, labor, and capital. 3 3 4 4 1 1

Slide711 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 The  Market’s  Self-Regulating  Nature The  Ideas  Of  Adam  Smith The  Market’s  Self-Regulating  Nature The  Ideas  Of  Adam  Smith • In every transaction, the buyer and seller consider only their  self- interest , or their own personal gain. Self-interest is the motivating force in the free market. • Producers in a free market struggle for the dollars of consumers. This is known as  competition , and is the regulating force of the free market. • The interaction of buyers and sellers, motivated by self-interest and regulated by competition, all happens without a central plan.  This phenomenon is called “the  invisible hand  of the marketplace.” • Adam Smith advocated a “ laissez faire ” approach to economics, meaning that there was no need for government intervention in the economy since it was self regulating. • Through  specialization  and a  division of labor  societies could maximize their resources. Chapter  2,  Section  2 Chapter  2,  Section  2 3 3 4 4 1 1

Slide811 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Advantages  of  the  Free  Market Advantages  of  the  Free  Market Chapter  2,  Section  2 Chapter  2,  Section  2 3 3 4 4 1 1

Slide911 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Characteristics  of  a  Free  Market Characteristics  of  a  Free  Market • Competition & Self Interest • Private Property • Free Enterprise • Freedom of Choice • Laissez Faire

Slide1011 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 How  Free  Markets  Answer  the  Four Questions How  Free  Markets  Answer  the  Four Questions • What? -  answered by  consumer sovereignty  [when consumer wants dictate the types of products produced] and  profit incentive . • Who? -  profit incentive and competition. • How? -  profit incentive…lowest possible cost with the maximum profit • For Whom? - profits and income

Slide1111 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Organization  of  Centrally  Planned Economies Organization  of  Centrally  Planned Economies In a  centrally planned economy,  the government owns both land and capital.  The government decides what to produce, how much to produce, and how much to charge. Chapter  2,  Section  3 Chapter  2,  Section  3 Socialism   is a social and political philosophy based on the belief that democratic means should be used to distribute wealth evenly throughout a society. Communism  is a political system characterized by a centrally planned economy with all economic and political power resting in the hands of the government. Originated with the ideas of  Karl Marx. 2 2 4 4 1 1

Slide1211 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Why  Communism  Failed  in  the  Former Soviet  Union Why  Communism  Failed  in  the  Former Soviet  Union 1. No Incentives 2. Inefficient Decision Making 3. Price controls      Soviet Agriculture In the Soviet Union, the government created large state-owned farms and collectives for most of the country’s agricultural production. These farms were inefficient because people lacked incentives.  Regardless of what people made the government took it.  Experiments with allowing farmers keep a portion of their produce saw dramatic improvements in productivity. Soviet Industry Soviet planners favored  heavy-industry   production (such as steel and machinery), over the production of consumer goods.    Communist Inefficiency also led to  environmental disasters  like the Aral Sea. Chapter  2,  Section  3 Chapter  2,  Section  3 2 2 4 4 1 1

Slide1311 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Problems  of  a  Centrally  Planned  Economy Problems  of  a  Centrally  Planned  Economy Centrally planned economies face problems of poor- quality goods, shortages, and diminishing production. Chapter  2,  Section  3 Chapter  2,  Section  3 2 2 4 4 1 1 • East German Trabant automobile

Slide1411 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 The  Rise  of  Mixed  Economies The  Rise  of  Mixed  Economies Market economies, with all their advantages, have certain drawbacks. Chapter  2,  Section  4 Chapter  2,  Section  4 Limits  of  Laissez  Faire Limits  of  Laissez  Faire Laissez faire  is the doctrine that government generally should not interfere in the marketplace. Governments create laws protecting property rights and enforcing contracts.  They also encourage innovation through patent laws. 2 2 3 3 1 1

Slide1511 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Government’s  Role  in  a  Mixed  Economy Government’s  Role  in  a  Mixed  Economy   In a mixed economy, Chapter  2,  Section  4 Chapter  2,  Section  4 2 2 3 3 1 1 Product market • the government purchases goods and services in the product market, and Factor market • purchases land, labor, and capital from households in the factor market.

Slide1611 2 2 3 3 Go  To Section: Go  To Section: 4 4 Comparing  Mixed  Economies Comparing  Mixed  Economies Chapter  2,  Section  4 Chapter  2,  Section  4 An economic system that permits the conduct of business with minimal government intervention is called  free enterprise .  The degree of government involvement in the economy varies among nations. Continuum of Mixed Economies Centrally planned Free market Source:  1999 Index of Economic Freedom , Bryan T. Johnson, Kim R. Holmes, and Melanie Kirkpatrick Iran North Korea Cuba China Russia Greece Peru United States South Africa France United Kingdom Botswana Canada Singapore Hong Kong 2 2 3 3 1 1