The evolution of the Italian education system: ITIS F. Severi in Padova

The evolution of the Italian education system: ITIS F. Severi in Padova

Learn about the current transition of the Italian education system and how ITIS F. Severi in Padova is adapting to better educate its students.

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About The evolution of the Italian education system: ITIS F. Severi in Padova

PowerPoint presentation about 'The evolution of the Italian education system: ITIS F. Severi in Padova'. This presentation describes the topic on Learn about the current transition of the Italian education system and how ITIS F. Severi in Padova is adapting to better educate its students.. The key topics included in this slideshow are Italian education system, compulsory education, higher education, ITIS F. Severi, Padova,. Download this presentation absolutely free.

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3. I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA Italy, in terms of both compulsory and higher education, is currently undergoing a period of transition through which the basic structure of the state system, as a whole, is being overhauled. These changes are designed not only to bring Italian education in line with the rest of the European Union but also to create a more flexible system, which better and more broadly educates those who study in Italy.

4. A long Reform 'season' A long Reform 'season' The Reform 'season' of the Italian school system has been going on for 40 years. The Reform 'season' of the Italian school system has been going on for 40 years. Our school system seems to be 'stuck' in continuing and inconclusive reforms which actually began well - although amidst enormous difficulties but have ended up in 'nothing conclusive' because of the continuous governmental changing! Our school system seems to be 'stuck' in continuing and inconclusive reforms which actually began well - although amidst enormous difficulties but have ended up in 'nothing conclusive' because of the continuous governmental changing! On one side, many Italian teachers from State schools feel ready for reform, but many others are still 'clinging' to traditional and rigid norms, refusing to be involved in the research for new contents, methodologies and organisations that fit the requirements of our contemporary society. On one side, many Italian teachers from State schools feel ready for reform, but many others are still 'clinging' to traditional and rigid norms, refusing to be involved in the research for new contents, methodologies and organisations that fit the requirements of our contemporary society.

5. STRUCTURE The Italian educational system is strongly centralized - Compulsory education begins at the age of six and ends at the age of sixteen, after the Middle School Diploma and the second year of upper secondary school I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

6. After Middle School exam (grade 8) students can choose among various types of upper secondary schools: - Lyceum (classical or scientific high schools which prepare for University) - Technical high schools (split into various tracks: industrial, agricultural, chemical, commercial) - Vocational high schools (also split into many tracks). High schools last FIVE years and conclude at the end of grade 13 with a national final exam (State Exam) I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

8. Specific aspects of the Italian school system - At the beginning of the first year of each school level (elementary, middle, high school), pupils are split up into class groups which will be the same for several years * . Pupils of the same age do not mix to form different class groups; they have lessons always in the same classroom and laboratories where the different teachers turn over. * Unless they fail! I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

9. - That is because once students have chosen their track, syllabi are fixed, there are no (or very limited) options. (i.e. different languages, or religion vs. individual study or optional subjects); - Classes last from 50 to 60 minutes and take place (on average) only in the morning; - One teacher (or two teachers, in the case of subjects like Chemistry, Maths, Physics, Electronics and IT studies that have practical training in labs) for each subject accompanies the same group of pupils for more than a year (three in middle school, between two and five in high school) I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

10. - The number of teaching hours per subject and the curricula are defined by ministerial decree in the whole country. - While the subjects and hours must be the same for every school, the curricula are only a sort of concise guide-line in order to reach the educational objectives required by the system, through the didactic planning, which is mainly the teachers tasks. I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

11. IFTS courses IFTS courses IFTS is the acronym referring to IFTS is the acronym referring to Higher Technical Education and Training IFTS courses, which last an average of 1200 hours, in fact a school year, allow you to develop professional skills through the use of group work, analysis of specific cases, elaborations on the field and an extended period of practical training in the company. IFTS courses, which last an average of 1200 hours, in fact a school year, allow you to develop professional skills through the use of group work, analysis of specific cases, elaborations on the field and an extended period of practical training in the company. At the end of IFTS courses an examination is scheduled to issue the Regional Certificate of Higher Technical Specialization recognized, in Italy and Europe, with a list of skills acquired. At the end of IFTS courses an examination is scheduled to issue the Regional Certificate of Higher Technical Specialization recognized, in Italy and Europe, with a list of skills acquired.

12. IFTS in ITIS Severi before 2005 IFTS in ITIS Severi before 2005 since 1999 ITIS is committed to the design and implementation of IFTS courses since 1999 ITIS is committed to the design and implementation of IFTS courses : Key themes : QUALITY CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY QUALITY CERTIFICATION AND SAFETY Stakeholders: Electrical and electronics industries Electrical and electronics industries

13. 2005 Defining the aims of IFTS courses 2005 Defining the aims of IFTS courses Regional consultation Regional consultation Schools and universities administrators, local officials and representatives of industry associations form a committee whose task is to detect the needs of the local production system and define the directions in which to plan the training courses. Schools and universities administrators, local officials and representatives of industry associations form a committee whose task is to detect the needs of the local production system and define the directions in which to plan the training courses.

14. July 2005 Regional Education of Veneto identified I.T.I.S. "Severi" as leader of a Training Center for the province of Padua July 2005 Regional Education of Veneto identified I.T.I.S. "Severi" as leader of a Training Center for the province of Padua I.T.I.S. F.SEVERI di Padova (Ente capofila) I.T.I.S. A.Meucci di Cittadella (Pd) I.T.I.S. G.Natta di Padova I.I.S. I.Newton di Camposampiero (Pd) I.T.A.S. P.Scalcerle di Padova Dipartimento Ingegneria dellInformazione (DEI) Universit di Padova Universit degli Studi di Padova Confindustria di Padova Unione Provinciale Artigiani di Padova Agenfor Veneto sez. Padova ASCOM Servizi Padova CFP Prov.le E.Bentsik Padova CIOFS/FP Don Bosco di Padova DIEFFE En.A.I.P. Veneto di Padova Frema S.c.a.r.l. Form&r srl Polo formativo TECNOLOGIA AVANZATA NELLINDUSTRIA ED ARTIGIANATO Provincia di Padova

15. Needs of our local area Needs of our local area In recent years two types of technician were identified as the needs of our local area: In recent years two types of technician were identified as the needs of our local area: Responsible for the environment, energy and safety in factories Responsible for the environment, energy and safety in factories Technician in computer systems and IT skills Technician in computer systems and IT skills

16. What about ITIS and Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico Francesco Severi? severi is a synonim for strict. The school is named after the Italian Mathematician Francesco Severi and it is regarded as a strict school; it is, of course, a pun as in Italian severi is a synonim for strict. Lets connect to I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA

17. Second-cycle school Age of students: from 14 to 19 ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

18. A big school with three branches: - Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico ( Science and Technology Lyceum); - Electronics & Telecommunications : I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA - Information Technology

19. I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA I.T.I.S. F. SEVERI - PADOVA Electronics and Electronics and Telecommunications Telecommunications

20. Aims of this course are - understanding analog and digital electronic circuits - knowledge about telecommunication systems - design of control systems based on microcontrollers - mastery in IT tools involved in electronic design ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

21. At the end of this course the student can At the end of this course the student can design and test electronic equipment design and test electronic equipment And he knows the importance And he knows the importance To be versatile To be versatile To update his technical knowledge To update his technical knowledge ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

22. In electronic factories he can take part in manufacturing, in design and quality control of final products. In electronic factories he can take part in manufacturing, in design and quality control of final products. In other factories he often manages automation systems for production. In other factories he often manages automation systems for production. He also is a good salesman of consuming electronic systems He also is a good salesman of consuming electronic systems Job opportunities Job opportunities ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

23. He generally becomes an electronic engineer but he can also complete his educational pathway at university ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

24. Leaving school after getting the final diploma, a student can undergo a two year specific training. This opportunity offers the possibility to work as an independent worker provided one passes a further final State examination. He then has to record his qualification in a special register before starting work as a designer,as a manager, as a tester, a mantainer and an installer in the following fields: Electrical, electronic, radio-TV, antenna, lightning rod, heating and hydro sistems WORKING AS AN INDEPENDENT WORKER

25. experimental methodology school-work cross curricular experiences students learn in school and factory experimental methodology school-work cross curricular experiences students learn in school and factory ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS

26. Orari e Materie I II III IV V Religione/materia alternativa 1 1 1 1 1 Educazione fisica 2 2 2 2 2 Lingua e letteratura italiana 5 5 3 3 3 Storia ed educazione civica 2 2 2 2 2 Lingua straniera 3 3 3 3 2 Diritto ed Economia 2 2 2 2 Geografia 3 Matematica 5 5 4 3 3 Scienze della terra /Biologia 3 3 Fisica e laboratorio 4 4 Chimica e laboratorio 3 3 Tecnologia e disegno 3 6 Meccanica e macchine 3 Elettrotecnica 6 3 Elettronica 4 5 4 Sistemi elettronici automatici 4 4 6 Telecomunicazioni 3 6 Tecnologie elettroniche, disegno e progettazione 4 5 5 Diploma di perito industriale per Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni
