Study Guide Game Cards - The Water Cycle Quiz

Study Guide Game Cards - The Water Cycle Quiz

This set of quiz cards is designed to test your knowledge of the water cycle. Card one asks what it is called when water turns into water vapor, with the answer being evaporation

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About Study Guide Game Cards - The Water Cycle Quiz

PowerPoint presentation about 'Study Guide Game Cards - The Water Cycle Quiz'. This presentation describes the topic on This set of quiz cards is designed to test your knowledge of the water cycle. Card one asks what it is called when water turns into water vapor, with the answer being evaporation. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Study Guide Game CardsThe Water Cycle

Slide2Quiz Card OneWhat  do  you  call  it when  water  is  turned into  water  vapor?

Slide3Answer Quiz Card OneEvaporation

Slide4Quiz Card TwoWhat do you call the process where plants release water vapor into the air during photosynthesis ?

Slide5Answer Quiz Card Two  Transpiration

Slide6Quiz Card ThreeWhat  do  you  call  water that  turns  into  a  gas?

Slide7Answer Quiz Card ThreeWater vapor

Slide8Quiz Card FourWhat  do  you  call  the  process where  water  vapor  turns  back into  water?

Slide9Answer Quiz Card FourCondensation

Slide10Quiz Card FiveWhat  is  formed  when water  vapor  condenses on  millions  of  tiny  dust particles  in  the  sky?

Slide11CloudsAnswer   Quiz Card Five

Slide12Quiz Card SixWhat  do  you  call  it when  water,  as  a  liquid or  a  solid,  falls  from  the sky?

Slide13Answer Quiz Card SixPrecipitation

Slide14Quiz Card SevenWhat  do  you  call  the rain  that  flows  down over  the  earth  into streams,  rivers,  and finally  the  ocean?

Slide15Run offAnswer Quiz Card Seven

Slide16Quiz Card EightWhat natural disaster happens when the Earth is unable to absorb all the run off?

Slide17Answer Quiz Card EightFloods

Slide18Quiz Card NineWhat  do  you  call  the forms  of  precipitation that  are  frozen?

Slide19Snow, sleet and hail.Answer Quiz Card Nine

Slide20Quiz Card TenWhat do you call the condensation that is found on the ground in the morning when the temperature is above freezing?

Slide21Answer Quiz Card TenDew

Slide22Quiz Card ElevenWhat do you call the condensation you find on the ground when it is below freezing?

Slide23FrostAnswer Quiz Card Eleven

Slide24Quiz Card TwelveWhat do you call the water that is stored under the ground? Remember that wells tap into this water.

Slide25Answer Quiz Card TwelveGroundwater

Slide26Quiz Card ThirteenSometimes water can be contaminated. Where can the water be cleaned for use?

Slide27Answer Quiz Card ThirteenA  water  treatment  plant.

Slide28Quiz Card FourteenSometimes people will block  a river to capture water.  What is the structure called that holds back the water?

Slide29Answer Quiz Card FourteenA dam

Slide30Quiz Card FifteenWhat  do  you  call  the water  that  is  held  back by  a  dam?

Slide31Answer Quiz Card FifteenA reservoir

Slide32Quiz Card SixteenWhat do you call the entire process that includes evaporation, condensation, and precipitation?

Slide33The water cycle.Answer Quiz Card Sixteen