HSEEP Self Help Guide: Introduction to the 15 National Planning Scenarios

HSEEP Self Help Guide: Introduction to the 15 National Planning Scenarios

A guide designed to assist agencies receiving DHS funding through the HSEEP program. Learn about the 15 National Planning Scenarios that reflect common vulnerabilities and are flexible for testing capabilities at various response levels.

About HSEEP Self Help Guide: Introduction to the 15 National Planning Scenarios

PowerPoint presentation about 'HSEEP Self Help Guide: Introduction to the 15 National Planning Scenarios'. This presentation describes the topic on A guide designed to assist agencies receiving DHS funding through the HSEEP program. Learn about the 15 National Planning Scenarios that reflect common vulnerabilities and are flexible for testing capabilities at various response levels.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) SELF-HELP GUIDE

2. Introduction You need helplets face it. Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program or HSEEP for short. A federal requirement for those agencies that receive funding through the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

3. The 15 National Planning Scenarios R e f l e c t c o m m o n v u l n e r a b i l i t i e s H a v e b e e n d e s i g n e d t o t e s t c a p a b i l i t i e s S c e n a r i o s a r e f l e x i b l e a n d c a n b e a p p l i e d t o a r a n g e o f r e s p o n s e l e v e l s

4. The Scenarios 1: Nuclear Detonation 10-Kiloton Improvised Nuclear Device 2: Biological Attack Aerosol Anthrax 3: Biological Disease Outbreak Pandemic Influenza 4: Biological Attack Plague 5: Chemical Attack Blister Agent 6:Chemical Attack Toxic Industrial Chemicals 7: Chemical Attack Nerve Agent 8: Chemical Attack Chlorine Tank Explosion

5. The Scenarios 9: Natural Disaster Major Earthquake 10: Natural Disaster Major Hurricane 11: Radiological Attack Radiological Dispersal Devices 12: Explosives Attack Bombing Using Improvised Explosive Devices 13: Biological Attack Food Contamination 14: Biological Attack Foreign Animal Disease (Foot and Mouth Disease) 15: Cyber Attack

6. Target Capabilities & the Universal Task List are Derived from these Scenarios

8. Toolkit Strengths are: (and No, these are not cut and paste from the official HSEEP website) S t o r e s e x e r c i s e d a t a R e p e a t e x e r c i s e s B a s i c i n f o r m a t i o n i s a u t o m a t e d . W r i t i n g a n d r e w r i t i n g t a s k s a r e r e d u c e d . E x e r c i s e s s t i c k t o t h e I N I T I A L o b j e c t i v e s . I t s o f f i c i a l

9. What is HSEEP Compliance? Training and Exercise Plan Workshop (T&EPW) Exercise Planning and Conduct After-Action Reporting Improvement Planning

10. Training and Exercise Plan Workshop (T&EPW) Includes: The entities' training and exercise priorities (based on an overarching strategy and previous improvement plans). The capabilities from the TCL that the entity will train for and exercise against. A multi-year training and exercise schedule.

11. Exercise Planning and Conduct The type of exercise selected by the entity should be consistent with the entity's Multi-year Training and Exercise Plan. Exercise objectives should be based on target capabilities and their associated critical tasks, which are contained within the EEGs. The scenarios used in exercises must be tailored toward validating the capabilities, and should be based on the entity's risk/vulnerability assessment.

13. Documents created (when appropriate): For Discussion-based Exercises: Situation Manual (SITMAN) For Operations-based Exercises this requires: Exercise Plan (EXPLAN) Player Handout Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) Controller/Evaluator Handbook (C/E Handbook)

14. (*SITMAN) should include: Schedule of events Purpose and Scope Design Objectives Exercise Structure Instructions for Exercise Conduct Roles and Responsibilities Assumptions and artificialities Exercise Rules Scenario Participant Questions Reference appendices

15. After-Action Reporting Following every exercise, an After-Action Conference (AAC) must be conducted, in which: Key personnel and the exercise planning team are presented with findings and recommendations from the draft AAR/IP. Corrective actions addressing a draft AAR/IP's recommendations are developed and assigned to responsible parties with due dates for completion. A final AAR/IP with recommendations and corrective actions derived from discussion at the AAC must be completed within 60 days after the completion of each exercise.

16. Improvement Planning An improvement plan will include broad recommendations from the AAR/IP organized by target capability as defined in the Target Capabilities List (TCL). Corrective actions must be linked to a capability element as defined in the TCL. Corrective actions must be measurable. Corrective actions must designate a projected start date and completion date. Corrective must be assigned to an organization and a point of contact (POC) within that organization.

17. Improvement Plan (IP)

18. How do I get Started? The first step in any Self-Help program is to acknowledge that you have a problem and you need to seek help. Moving toward accessing resources for that help is a step in the right direction. See the Self-Help packet for references and online links to helpful tools and documents.

19. What type of HSEEP Exercise do I do? Discussions-based Exercises Seminar Workshop Tabletop (TTX) Games Operations-based Exercises Drill Functional Exercise (FE) Full-Scale Exercises (FSE)

20. Levels of Exercise design: Seminar : Think teaching strategies Workshop : Plan writing workshop with the goal of arriving at a product at the end. Tabletop Exercise (TTX) : Typically in groups that will use a scenario and test hypothetical policies/procedures. Games/Drills: Coordinated supervised activity that practices the use of equipment, protocols or plans. Functional Exercises: Simulated events when you are testing actual operations. Not all functional exercise tests every function. Full Scale Exercise: Multi-agency and multi- jurisdictional players respond as if it were an actual incident.

21. Well begun is half done! -Mary Poppins A n E x c e l s p r e a d s h e e t : N a m e , A g e n c y , P h o n e N u m b e r , a n d E m a i l E x e r c i s e O b j e c t i v e s : T a r g e t C a p a b i l i t i e s L i s t E x e r c i s e E v a l u a t i o n G u i d e s : E E G s G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n : T i m e , D a t e , M a p s , e t c S e t u p a s y s t e m f o r s h a r i n g f i l e s / d o c u m e n t s i n p l a n n i n g t h e e x e r c i s e : A R e s o u r c e B i n d e r F T P a d d r e s s C r e a t e a R e f e r e n c e l i s t f o r p l a y e r s

22. HSEEP Resources: HSEEP Classes are offered regularly. Check with the Division of Emergency Management, or your State Agency training program. HSEEP https://hseep.dhs.gov/ HSEEP Toolkit: https://hseep.dhs.gov/DHS_SSO/?Return Url=%2fhseep_em%2fToolkitHome.aspx

23. HSEEP Toolkit

24. Begin an Exercise using the Toolkit For questions regarding the HSEEP Toolkit Systems (to include system access) please contact: HSEEP Toolkit Help Desk (877) 612-HELP (4357) support@hseep.net Call and obtain your password Login to the Toolkit Create an Exercise following the prompts.

25. Other Resources (to steal): Plague: http://www.bt.cdc.gov/agent/plague/trainin gmodule/powerpoint.asp Water system: http://www.epa.gov/safewater/watersecurit y/tools/trainingcd/Pages/scenario1-s.html Hospital surge: http://www.nyc.gov/html/doh/html/bhpp/bh pp-train-hospital.shtml