Discover the Richness of Argentine High-Quality Meat

Discover the Richness of Argentine High-Quality Meat

Argentina's Subsecretariat of Livestock highlights the diverse natural conditions that allow for exceptional livestock production and processing. With cultural, social, and natural differential value, Argentine meat sets itself apart, reaching the highest health and safety standards. Discover why Argentina is the prime source for meat.

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About Discover the Richness of Argentine High-Quality Meat

PowerPoint presentation about 'Discover the Richness of Argentine High-Quality Meat'. This presentation describes the topic on Argentina's Subsecretariat of Livestock highlights the diverse natural conditions that allow for exceptional livestock production and processing. With cultural, social, and natural differential value, Argentine meat sets itself apart, reaching the highest health and safety standards. Discover why Argentina is the prime source for meat.. The key topics included in this slideshow are Argentina, high-quality meat, livestock, natural conditions, cultural, social, natural production, health standards, European Union, meat cuts,. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript


2. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Because of its soils and climate variety which allows to develop livestock under the best natural conditions. Differential value attributes (cultural, social, natural production and processing) that strengthen the integration of products and promote their position. Appreciation to Argentina the highest status on the BSE: "negligible risk" by the OIE. Completion of the health standards of the European Union. Wide variety of cuts in different presentations that aim to preserve the flavor and ensure the tenderness of the meat. Why Argentina?

3. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco FMD: Sanitary Condition in Argentina, recognized by the OIE

4. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco 48.900.000 Cattle +190.000 Farmers 493 Plants (Slaughter and/or Meat Processing) 90 Open markets for exports of fresh meat 97 Export p lants 62 High-tech plants, authorized to export to EU 61 Plants performing Halal Slaughter BOVINE LIVESTOCK

5. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco REGIONS OF ARGENTINA Stock Distribution Pampas NOA Region NOA NEA Region Patagonian Region Region of Cuyo 53.4% 26.8% 9.1% 8.5% 2.6%

6. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco PRODUCTION SYSTEMS Production System Characterstics Product Production area Cra/ recra Pastoreo directo de pastizales naturales y cultivados Ternero para Invernada o Feed Lot y recra vaca descarte Cuenca del Salado y Regin Extra Pampeana Invernada Pastoreo directo de pastizales cultivados Novillo Vaquillona Consumo local y exportacin Oeste de Bs Aires Este de La Pampa Feed Lot Engorde Intensivo a grano Novillo- Vaquillona para consumo local Bs As, Sta. Fe, Cba, La Pampa, San Luis

7. Grass Production Extensively reared livestock (Animal Welfare), with a combination of soil and climate that allows it to develop a uniform muscle, tenderness and texture unique in the world. Pastures of the Argentine plains (splitting), which result in 100% natural meat, free of additives and hormones, low-cholesterol, saturated and intramuscular fat.

8. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Silvopastoral/Forest Grazing Production It allows to develop two different productive activities in one: Forestry and Forage. Protects the soil and holds moisture, producing forage for longer. Animals have shelter, improve calving and increase beef and/or milk production. It stimulates the growth of trees .

9. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Feed lot Intensive production, supplemented with cereal grains and corn silage of high quality. Enables rapid weight gain and the release of land for other activities. Corn silage can accumulate a large amount of dry matter of good quality, optimizing load and weight gain in grazing and generating a high yield of meat per ha when it goes to food to the feed lot.

10. Sexed Semen Embryo Transfer Cloning Breeding BOVINE GENETIC MATERIAL

11. Commercialized Quantities of Bovine Semen BOVINE GENETIC MATERIAL

12. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco SHEEP Patagonia is the main sheep- producing area and accounts for stock: Chubut (31%), Santa Cruz (22%), Black River (12%). Buenos Aires holds a 10% of the total sheep stock, and is the province with greater participation outside Patagonia. Santa Cruz is the largest exporter of mutton assuming 80% of the total country.

13. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco 96 sheep meat plants in the country (slaughter and/or processing) 20 sheep meat plants enabled for export distributed in Patagonia (7), Buenos Aires (5) and Entre Ros (3) 12 export plants which perform Halal slaughter Intensive and Extensive breeding systems SHEEP

14. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco SHEEP GENETICS Characteristics and geographical distribution Australian Merino: top wool producer 60% wool 40% meat Area: Ro Negro, Chubut y Santa Cruz Corriedale: 60% wool 40% meat Area: All Argentina Romney Marsh :70% meat 30% wool Area: Buenos Aires and Litoral Hampshire Down: Great meat producer Area: Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Corrientes, Santa fe, Crdoba, Chaco

15. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Lincoln: 80% meat 20% wool Area: Buenos Aires Ideal : 60 % carne y 40 % lana Area: provincias del Litoral Criollo: Multipurpose Area: NOA and NEA provincies Texel Argentino : Double purpose Area: Patagonia Sur, Corrientes SHEEP GENETICS Characteristics and geographical distribution

16. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Pampinta (3/4 Frisona x 1/4 Corriedale) Multipurpose, 1,27 lt/day and 272 days of breastfeeding. Lean meat. Area: La Pampa and arid provincies Frisones: Double purpose Area: Template and cold zones Border Leicester :Meat, Thick Wool Area: Buenos Aires SHEEP GENETICS Characteristics and geographical distribution

17. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco PATAGONIAN SHEEP Unique weather conditions which result in low disease incidence. Free of FMD without vaccination recognized OIE. Exports from that region can be with bone. 100% natural production, within an environment slightly modified by man. Lean meat, low cholesterol, smoothness, balance, tenderness and juiciness recognized as unique in the world.

18. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco POULTRY 4 Grandparents breeding farms 150.000 Grandparents 274 Farms of reproducers 7.6 Million parents 573 Million broilers 80 Hatchery 5300 Poultry farms CHARACTERISTICS OF PRIMARY PRODUCTION 50 Meat plants 13 Meat plants performing BPM, POES, HACCP, and ISO 9001 CHARACTERISTICS OF POULTRY INDUSTRY

19. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Geographical Distribution of Poultry Farms Provincies Participation Entre Ros 46% Buenos Aires 36% Santa Fe 7% Crdoba 4% Mendoza 3% Ro Negro y Neuqun 2% NOA 1% Broiler Chicken Breeds Cobb Ross Arbor Acres Hubbard

20. Ttulo: Tipografa Arial / Versin: bold Cuerpo 16 a 18 / Color blanco Geographical Distribution of Poultry Plants Provincies Participation Entre Ros 45% Buenos Aires 42% Crdoba 5% Santa Fe 4% Ro Negro y Neuqun 3% Mendoza 1%