Drug Terminology and Classification

Drug Terminology and Classification

This text presents several terms related to drugs and their classification. Firstly, it explains that drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system are called depressants, while those that increase neural activity are known as

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About Drug Terminology and Classification

PowerPoint presentation about 'Drug Terminology and Classification'. This presentation describes the topic on This text presents several terms related to drugs and their classification. Firstly, it explains that drugs that tend to slow the central nervous system are called depressants, while those that increase neural activity are known as. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide2A:B: Euphoria Opiates Drugs that tend to slow the central nervous  system is called what? C: D: Depressants Stimulants

Slide3C: Depressants

Slide4A:B: Cell Phone Travelers insurance Phencyclidine is also called what? C: D: Lil' Wayne's New Album (which I don't know of) Angel Dust

Slide5 D: Angel Dust(NOT LIL' WAYNE'S NEW ALBUM)

Slide6A:B: Alcohol LSD What is a stimulant drug? C: D: Crack Cake

Slide7C: Crack

Slide8A:B: Expousre to crack Expousre to sniffing markers How does cocaine transfer HIV's? C: D: Lighting paper on fire and eating it Expousre through contaminated needles

Slide9D: Expousre through contaminated needles

Slide10A:B: The CNS Your Digestive Tract What do Psychoactive Drugs Affect? C: D: You From Reading This Question Your Urinary Tract


Slide12A:B: Crack DOODOO What is MDMA? C: D: Ecstacy My Disorganized Math Assesment (MDMA)

Slide13C: Ecstacy

Slide14A:B: Retarded Highly Codeine is ________ addictive ingredient in some prescriptions medications. C: D: Low-ly I Don't Know How To Spell Low-ly

Slide15B: Highly(let me know how low-ly is spelled pwease)

Slide16A:B: All The Below Dance Clubs The Term “ Club Drugs” Describes Drugs Found Where?? C: D: “ Raves” Concerts

Slide17A: All the below

Slide18A:B: Rohypnol GHB What Drugs are date rape drugs? C: D: BOTH C and A Both A and B

Slide19D: Both a and B

Slide20A:B: I don't know why are you asking me? They cause hallucinations, nausea, and Flashbacks What do Mushrooms Cause As A Drug? C: D: They cause banks to go corrupt, schools to end, and health class to continue on They cause the CNS to go looloo

Slide21Type the answer here

Slide22A:B: Household substances mixed with water Household substances mixed with ink What is cheese heroin? C: D: Household substances mixed with heroin Household substances mixed with a webcam

Slide23C: Household Substances mixed with heroin

Slide24A:B: heart respiratory Oxycodone can lead to what failure? C: D: CNS Trench Foot

Slide25B: Respiratory

Slide26Great Job!!!!Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!