Group Theoretical Model of Developed Turbulence and Renormalization of the Navier Stokes Equation

Group Theoretical Model of Developed Turbulence and Renormalization of the Navier Stokes Equation

A theoretical model for understanding developed turbulence and the Navier Stokes equation, using group theory and renormalization techniques.

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About Group Theoretical Model of Developed Turbulence and Renormalization of the Navier Stokes Equation

PowerPoint presentation about 'Group Theoretical Model of Developed Turbulence and Renormalization of the Navier Stokes Equation'. This presentation describes the topic on A theoretical model for understanding developed turbulence and the Navier Stokes equation, using group theory and renormalization techniques.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. Group-theoretical model of developed turbulence and renormalization of the Navier-Stokes equation V. L. Saveliev 1 and M. A. Gorokhovski 2 1. Institute of Ionosphere, Almaty 480020, Kazakhstan 2. Laboratoire de Mcanique des Fluides et AcoustiqueEcole Centrale de Lyon, France PHYSICAL REVIEV E 72, 016302 (2005)

2. Introduction

3. II. Renormalized averaging formula for < vu >

4. Operator for averaging the field product

5. Simplest formula for averaging

6. Example of averaging

7. Deviatoric part of stress tensor

8. Important remark

9. III. Group-theoretical model of developed turbulence

10. Symmetry parameters

11. Self-similar solutions

12. Decomposition of turbulent field

13. Invariance of turbulent state

14. Renormalization-group invariance

15. IV. Renormalization of the averaged Navier-Stokes equation Averaging over small scale

16. Inner threshold of turbulence

17. Equation for averaged turbulent fields

18. Remarks about viscosity

19. V. Conclusion

20. References