Canine and Bovine Painting Project & Dynamic Model for Veterinary Anatomy Teaching

Canine and Bovine Painting Project & Dynamic Model for Veterinary Anatomy Teaching

This article highlights two projects developed by Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, and Alison King, supported by the Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Glasgow. The first project involves a creative painting initiative for canine and bovine anatomy, while the second project introduces a dynamic model for teaching topographical and functional veterinary anatomy.

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About Canine and Bovine Painting Project & Dynamic Model for Veterinary Anatomy Teaching

PowerPoint presentation about 'Canine and Bovine Painting Project & Dynamic Model for Veterinary Anatomy Teaching'. This presentation describes the topic on This article highlights two projects developed by Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor, Maureen Bain, and Alison King, supported by the Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Glasgow. The first project involves a creative painting initiative for canine and bovine anatomy, while the second project introduces a dynamic model for teaching topographical and functional veterinary anatomy.. The key topics included in this slideshow are Canine, Bovine, Painting, Veterinary Anatomy, Dynamic Model,. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. Canine & Bovine Painting Project Developed by: Aysun Cevik Demirkan, Charlie Batchelor , Maureen Bain, Alison K ing Supported by: Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine Summer Project & Maureen Bain

2. Creation of a dynamic model for teaching topographical and functional veterinary anatomy Aysun Cevik Demirkan * , Charlie Batchelor , Maureen Bain, Alison K ing . School of Veterinary Medicine , MVLS, University of Glasgow, Scotland , G61 1QH * Afyon Kocatepe University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Anatomy, Afyon, Turkey

3. Skeleton of the dog 1-Scapula, 2-Humerus, 3-Radius, 4-Ulna, 5-Carpus, 6- Metacarpus, 7-Phalanges, 8-Thoracic vertebrae, 9-Ribs, 10-Lumbar vertebrae, 11-Sacrum, 12-Caudal vertebrae, 13- P elvis, 14-Femur, 15-Patella, 16- F ibula and tibia , 17-Tarsus, 18-Metatarsus, 19-Phalanges

4. Superficial muscles of the dog. 1-M. cleidomastoideus (origin not shown), 2-M. cleidocervicalis, 3-M. omotransversarius, 4-M. trapezius, 5- M. deltoideus, 6-M. triceps brachi (lateral head), 6-M. triceps brachi (long head), 7-M. cleidobrachialis, 8- M. latissimus dorsi, 9-M. obliquus externus abdominis, 10-M. pectoralis profundus,11-M. intercostalis interni, 12-M. intercostalis externi, 13-fascia, 14-M. transversus abdominus (deep to m. obliquus externus abdominis and m. obliquus internus abdominis), 15-M. sartorius, 16-M. gluteus medius, 17-M. gluteus superficialis, 18-M. tensor fascia latae & fascia lata, 19-M. biceps femoris, 20-M. extensor carpi radialis, 21-M. extensor digitorum communis, 22-M. extensor digitorum lateralis, 23- M. extensor carpi ulnaris, 24- M. tibialis cranialis, 25-M. extensor digitorum longus, 26- M. gastrocnemius, 27-M. flexor hallucis longus, 28- M. peronous longus.

5. Left lareral aspect of thoracic and abdominal regions of the dog 1-Left lung, 2-Heart, 3-Liver, 4-Stomach, 5- Left kidney, 6-Descending colon, 7- Rectum, 8-Jejunum, 9-Urinary bladder.

6. The venous system, right lateral aspect, in the dog 1-Vena jugularis externa, 2-Vena axillaris, 3-V. azygos, 4-V. cava cranialis, 5-V. brachialis, 6-V. cephalica, 7-V. mediana, 8-V. ulnaris, 9- V. vertebralis, 10- Heart, 11-V. intervertebralis, 12-V. intercostalis, 13-V. cava caudalis, 14-V. hepatica, 15-Liver, 16-V. portalis, 17-V. renalis, 18-V. testicularis, 19-V. circumflexa ilium profunda, 20-V. iliaca externa dexter, 21-V. tibialis cranialis, 22-V. iliaca interna, 23-V. profunda femoris, 24-Truncus pudendoepigastricus, 25-V. femoralis, 26-V. saphena mediana, 27-V. saphena lateralis

7. Skeleton of the cow 1-Scapula, 2-Humerus, 3-Radius, 4-Ulna, 4-Carpus, 5-Metacarpus, 6-Phalanges, 7-Sternum, 8- Ribs, 9- Thoracic vertebrae, 10-Lumbar vertebrae, 11-Sacrum, 12-Caudal vertebrae, 13- P elvis, 14-Femur, 15-Patella, 16- Tibia, 17-Tarsus, 18-Metatarsus, 19-Phalanges.

8. Fore and hind limp muscles of the cow 1-M. trapezius, 2-M. latissimus dorsi, 3-M. deltoideus, 4- M. triceps brachii (long head), 4- M triceps brachii (lateral head), 5-M. brachiocephalicus, 6-M. extensor carpi radialis, 7- M. extensor digitorum communis, 8-M. extensor digitorum lateralis, 9-M. extensor carpi ulnaris, 10-M. gluteus medius, 11-M. tensor fascia latae, 12-Fascia latae femoris, 13-M. gluteo- biceps femoris, 14-M. semitendinosus, 15-M. tibialis cranialis, 16-M. perenous tertius, 17-M. perenous longus, 18-M. extensor digitalis lateralis, 19-M. gastrecnemius, 20-M. flexor digiti I longus.

9. Abdominal viscera, left lateral aspect, in the cow 1-Esophagus, 2-Spleen, 3-Reticulum, 4- Saccus cecus dorsalis of rumen, 5- Saccus cecus ventralis of rumen, 6-Fundus abomasi, 7-Ribs, 8-Saccus cecus caudadorsalis, 9-Saccus cecus caudoventralis.

10. Left projections of the heart and lung on the thoracic wall of the cow 1-Lung, 2-Heart, 3-Ribs.
