"The Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health"


This article highlights the benefits of meditation on mental health. It discusses how meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation, improving emotional regulation and increasing self-awareness. The

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About "The Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health"

PowerPoint presentation about '"The Benefits of Meditation for Mental Health"'. This presentation describes the topic on This article highlights the benefits of meditation on mental health. It discusses how meditation can help reduce stress, anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation, improving emotional regulation and increasing self-awareness. The. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1CultureThe 7 Elements of Culture

Slide2Culture Culture : everything that makes up a person’s entire way of life

Slide37 Elements of Culture1. Social  Organization 1. Social  Organization -When a culture organize its members into smaller groups  What might some smaller groups be in a culture?  Families  Friends  Religious groups  Social classes     Occupation     Interest groups These  are  things  that  all  cultures  have  in  common. These  are  things  that  all  cultures  have  in  common. What  might  some  of  those  things  be? What  might  some  of  those  things  be?

Slide41.Social  Organization 1. Social  Organization , cont. most  important -  family : the  most  important  unit of social organization  Nuclear family-  husband, wife, children  Extended family-  several generations in one household - respect for elders is usually strong in extended fams. 7 Elements of Culture

Slide51.Social  Organization 1. Social  Organization , cont. -  social classes : a way to rank people in order of status  What can social class be based on?  Money  Occupation  Education  Race  Etc. 7 Elements of Culture

Slide67 Elements of CultureCustoms  and  Traditions 2.  Customs  and  Traditions - rules of behavior (written and unwritten)

Slide73.Language 3. Language  Important for communication and passing on traditions and beliefs 7 Elements of Culture   There is some debate about making English the official language of the United States.

Slide8Arts and  Literature 4.  Arts  and  Literature - teach about a culture’s values - promote cultural pride and unity 7 Elements of Culture

Slide95.Religion 5. Religion  Monotheism :  belief in one god  Polytheism :  belief in more than one god  Major World Religions  Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism 7 Elements of Culture

Slide106. F   F o o r r m m s s   o   o f f   G   G o o v v e e r r n n m m e e n n t t  P e o p l e  f o r m  g o v e r n m e n t s  t o  p r o v i d e  f o r  t h e i r c o m m o n  n e e d s  T y p e s  D e m o c r a c y :  p e o p l e  h a v e  s u p r e m e  p o w e r  R e p u b l i c :  p e o p l e  c h o o s e  l e a d e r s  t o  r e p r e s e n t  t h e m  D i c t a t o r s h i p :   a  r u l e r  o r  g r o u p  h o l d s  p o w e r  b y  f o r c e 7 Elements of Culture White House Great Britain’s Houses of Parliament

Slide117.Economic  Systems 7. Economic  Systems  Four types 1.  Traditional :  people produce most of what they need to survive 2.  Market : basic economic questions are answered by buying/selling goods and services 3.  Command :  government controls answers to economic questions 4.  Mixed :  individuals make some economic decisions, the government makes others 7 Elements of Culture

Slide12Ways Cultures Change1. T e c h n o l o g y  C a r s ,  t e l e p h o n e ,  c o m p u t e r s ,  T V  d i n n e r s 2. E n v i r o n m e n t  C h a n g e s 3. N e w  I d e a s  ( l i k e  r e c y c l i n g ) 4 .     D i f f u s i o n :  m o v e m e n t  o f  c u s t o m s  a n d i d e a s  f r o m   o n e  p l a c e  t o  a n o t h e r

Slide13Be Careful of… Ethnocentrism :  judging other cultures by the standards of your own  Assuming your own culture to be the best  Racism : belief that one racial group is naturally superior to another  Race is a culture thing. It does not actually, physically exist.