Regents Biology 2006-2007: Cell Membranes and Movement Across Them

Regents Biology 2006-2007: Cell Membranes and Movement Across Them

This educational resource covers the topic of cell membranes and their function in separating a cell from its environment. The cell membrane acts as a boundary between

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About Regents Biology 2006-2007: Cell Membranes and Movement Across Them

PowerPoint presentation about 'Regents Biology 2006-2007: Cell Membranes and Movement Across Them'. This presentation describes the topic on This educational resource covers the topic of cell membranes and their function in separating a cell from its environment. The cell membrane acts as a boundary between. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Regents Biology2006-2007 Cell Membranes & Movement Across Them

Slide2Regents BiologyCell (plasma) membrane  separate cell from its environment  cell membrane  is the boundary    IN food sugars proteins fats salts O 2 H 2 O    OUT waste ammonia salts CO 2 H 2 O products cell needs materials  in  & products or waste  out

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Slide6Regents BiologyBuilding a membrane  How do you build a barrier that keeps the watery contents of the cell separate from the watery environment? What substance do you know that doesn ’ t mix with water?   FATS     LIPIDS   oil & water don ’ t mix!!

Slide7Regents BiologyLipids of cell membrane  Membrane is made of  phospholipids  phospholipid bilayer “ attracted to water ” “ repelled by water ” inside cell outside cell phosphate lipid

Slide8Regents BiologySemi-permeable membrane  Need to allow passage through the membrane  But need to control what gets in or out  membrane needs to be semi-permeable So how do you build a semi-permeable membrane? So how do you build a semi-permeable membrane? aa H 2 O sugar lipid salt NH 3 So what needs to get across the membrane?

Slide9Regents BiologyPhospholipid bilayer  What molecules can get through directly? *small molecules inside cell outside cell fats & other lipids can slip directly through the phospholipid cell membrane, but… what about other stuff? lipid salt aa H 2 O sugar waste

Slide10Regents BiologyPermeable cell membrane  Need to allow more material through  membrane needs to be  permeable  to…  all materials a cell needs to  bring in  all waste a cell needs  excrete out  all products a cell needs to  export out inside cell outside cell lipid sugar aa H 2 O salt “ holes ” , or channels , in cell membrane allow material in & out “ holes ” , or channels , in cell membrane allow material in & out waste

Slide11Regents Biologyoutside cell Semi-permeable cell membrane  But the cell still needs control  membrane needs to be  semi-permeable  specific channels allow specific material in & out inside cell sugar aa H 2 O salt waste

Slide12Regents BiologyHow do you build a semi-permeable cell membrane?  channels are made of  proteins  proteins both  “ like ”  water &  “ like ”  lipids bi-lipid membrane protein channels in bi-lipid membrane

Slide13Regents BiologyProtein channels  Proteins act as doors in the membrane  channels to move specific molecules through cell membrane

Slide14Regents BiologyMost cell membranes are composed principally of 1. DNA and ATP 2. proteins and lipids 3. chitin and starch 4. nucleotides and amino acids

Slide15Regents BiologyMost cell membranes are composed principally of 1. DNA and ATP 2. proteins and lipids 3. chitin and starch 4. nucleotides and amino acids

Slide16Regents BiologyMovement through the channel  Why do molecules move through membrane if you give them a channel? ? ?

Slide17Regents BiologyMolecules move from high to low  Diffusion  move from  HIGH  to  LOW  concentration

Slide18Regents BiologyDiffusion  Move from  HIGH  to  LOW  concentration  “ passive transport ”  no energy needed

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Slide20Regents BiologySimple Diffusion  Move from  HIGH  to  LOW inside cell outside cell Which way will fat move? low high  fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat

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Slide22Regents BiologyDiffusion through a channel  Move from  HIGH  to  LOW inside cell outside cell sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar Which way will sugar move? low high  sugar sugar

Slide23Regents BiologyDiffusion  Move from  HIGH  to  LOW  concentration  through membrane  simple diffusion  no energy needed  through a  protein channel  facilitated diffusion  (with help)  no energy needed high low

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Slide25Regents BiologyActive transport  Cells may need molecules to move against  concentration difference  need to pump  “ uphill ”  from  LOW  to  HIGH   using ATP  protein pump  requires energy  ATP ATP

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Slide28Regents BiologyTransport summary diffusion facilitated diffusion active transport ATP

Slide29Regents Biology2006-2007 Osmosis Movement of  Water  Across Cell Membrane

Slide30Regents BiologyOsmosis  Osmosis  diffusion of water from  HIGH   concentration of  water  to  LOW   concentration  of  water  across a semi-permeable membrane

Slide31Regents Biology Normally, in the process of osmosis, the net flow of water molecules into or out of the cell depends upon differences in the 1. concentration of water molecules inside and outside the cell 2. concentration of enzymes on either side of the cell membrane 3. rate of molecular motion on either side of the cell membrane 4. rate of movement of insoluble molecules inside the cell

Slide32Regents BiologyKeeping water balance  Cell survival depends on balancing water uptake & water loss freshwater balanced saltwater

Slide33Regents BiologyManaging water balance  Balanced conditions  no difference between cell & environment  example :   blood  problem : none  water flows across membrane equally, in both directions  volume of cell doesn ’ t change balanced

Slide34Regents BiologyManaging water balance  Freshwater  a cell in  fresh water  example :  Paramecium  problem :  gains water , swells & can burst  water continually enters Paramecium  cell  solution :  contractile vacuole  pumps water out of cell freshwater

Slide35Regents BiologyControlling water  Contractile vacuole in  Paramecium

Slide36Regents BiologyManaging water balance  Saltwater  a cell in  salt water  example :  shellfish  problem :  lose water  plasmolysis  in plants  shrinking cell  solution : take up water saltwater

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