Alphabet Safari

Alphabet Safari

Join us on an adventure through the animal kingdom with this alphabet safari! From Aa for apple to Ss for snake, we'll encounter all sorts of creatures along the way like BbBoy, Banana baby,

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About Alphabet Safari

PowerPoint presentation about 'Alphabet Safari'. This presentation describes the topic on Join us on an adventure through the animal kingdom with this alphabet safari! From Aa for apple to Ss for snake, we'll encounter all sorts of creatures along the way like BbBoy, Banana baby,. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1appleand add Aa

Slide2BbBoy Banana baby

Slide3CcCow Cake Cat

Slide4DdD o g D e e r D a y

Slide5EeEgg Elephant everyone

Slide6FfFish Friday food

Slide7GgGoat Good girl

Slide8HhHot Hat Hello Hi

Slide9IiIgloo It Is

Slide10JjJar Joy January

Slide11KkKangaroo Kind kite

Slide12LlL i o n L i s t e n L i t t l e

Slide13MmMonkey Mississippi Mama

Slide14NnNo Next Nine

Slide15OoOctopus Off October

Slide16PpPeople Panda Purple

Slide17QqQueen Quickly Quit

Slide18RrReady Red Rain

Slide19SsS n a k e S a t u r d a y S e p t e m b e r

Slide20TtToday Turtle Tuesday

Slide21UuUmbrella Under Uncle

Slide22VvViolin Very Vegetables

Slide23WwWagon Wednesday Welcome

Slide24XxXray Box Fox

Slide25YyYes Yo yo Yesterday

Slide26ZzZebra Zipper zoo