Skill in Decision Making and Evaluation

Skill in Decision Making and Evaluation

Decision making is a process of choosing among different options or finding solutions to problems. It is guided by our values, which are the things that are important to us. After making a decision, it

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About Skill in Decision Making and Evaluation

PowerPoint presentation about 'Skill in Decision Making and Evaluation'. This presentation describes the topic on Decision making is a process of choosing among different options or finding solutions to problems. It is guided by our values, which are the things that are important to us. After making a decision, it. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Skill: Decision MakingDecision Making  -  the process of making a choice or finding a solution Values  – things that are important to use and guide the choices we make Evaluate  – to determine if we made the correct choice: Would we make the same decision again?

Slide2Closer Look: EvaluationEvaluation Ask yourself the following: 1) What was the outcome? 2) How do I feel about my decision? 3) Did my decision effect others? 4) What did I learn? 5) Would I make the same decision            next time?

Slide3IBEAR Decision Making I :     Identify the situation  B:     Brainstorm options  E:     Evaluate the outcomes/consequences  A:     Act on your decision  R:     Re-evaluate – Did you make a good             choice?

Slide4Common Decisions: What to wear to school  What to eat for lunch  Which homework to do first  What to do on the weekends  What to do during study hall  What movie to see

Slide5More Serious Decisions- What classes you want to take in high school - Who you want to date - If you will experiment with drugs/alcohol - What career path you want to take

Slide6Skill: Goal SettingWhat is goal setting? Working toward something you want to accomplish Why set goals?  To help identify what you want from life  Help you use your time and energy wisely  Goals in one area will help you with goals in another  To feel a sense of accomplishment

Slide7Buzz Words SMART  Plan  Barriers  Progress  Evaluate

Slide8Short Term vs. Long TermShort Term  Goals: Goals you want to achieve in the next few days or weeks. Long Term  Goals: Goals that may take weeks, months, or years to achieve. Is there a connection between the two?

Slide9Steps to Reaching Goals1) Set your SMART goal. 2) What’s your plan? 3) What are your barriers? 4) Create solutions to the barriers. 5) How will you reward yourself? 6) How are you progressing?

Slide10Everyday Goals: Getting homework done early  Winning a game/competition  Going to the gym/exercise  Household chores

Slide11Bigger Goals Raising your average  Graduating  Going to college  Making a high school team  Successful career  Having a family

Slide12Health Goals! Going to the gym  Weight loss/diets  Remain abstinent from sexual activity  Remain drug free  Time management

Slide13Remember SMART!Goals Should Be: S pecific : who, what, where, when? M easurable : how much, how many? A ttainable : Do you have the skills to reach it? R ealistic : is it something you are actually capable of                   doing? T imely:  when will you be able to reach this goal by?

Slide14No-no words for goals More  Less  Many  Better  worse  Good  Fewer  Most  Least

Slide15Skill: CommunicationCommunication : to effectively get a message across using words and/or actions Assertive Communication : stand up for yourself and what you want, while still respecting the rights of others

Slide16Communication Buzz Words Aggressive : bullying or intimidating others into thinking like you or    doing what you want  Passive : unable or unwilling to express thoughts and feelings, a “push over”      “I don’t care”

Slide17“I” Statements – Buzz Word! Focuses on how you feel or your opinion as opposed to blaming others or making demands Uses the model: I feel ________, when you __________, because ___________________________________.

Slide18you are going to a movie with a friend and trying to decidewhat to see.  You really want to see the new Batman movie. Assertive:  “I would like to see the new Batman movie, what do you think?” Aggressive:  “We are seeing Batman for sure, don’t really care what you want to see!” Passive:  “I don’t really care, whatever you want to see is fine.”(but really  you want to see Batman)

Slide19Body Language Communicating a message without words, only through actions or expressions Verbal Tone  of Voice     Body Language

Slide20Refusal Skills – Buzz Word! Say “No!” and make it loud and clear.  Give a reason for saying no.  Make up an excuse.  Joke about the situation.  Suggest something else to do.  Leave the situation.  Ignore the person pressuring you.

Slide21Active Listening – Buzz Word! Providing 100% attention to the person who is communicating with you so that you truly understand what they are saying  Eye contact  Learning forward  Asking questions  Not interrupting

Slide22Everyday Uses Sharing your opinions  Group/partner project  Talking to your teammates during a game  Traffic police

Slide23Serious/Health Uses Suicidal friend  Someone is being bullied  Refusal skills – substance abuse  Relationships  Telling a doctor your symptoms