My Learnings in French and Subjects

My Learnings in French and Subjects

This article discusses the author's learnings in French and her opinions on different subjects like Maths, Drama, Geography, Technology, Sport, English, Spanish, Art, Science, Music, German, History, and Biology. The author shares her preferences and dislikes towards different subjects.

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About My Learnings in French and Subjects

PowerPoint presentation about 'My Learnings in French and Subjects'. This presentation describes the topic on This article discusses the author's learnings in French and her opinions on different subjects like Maths, Drama, Geography, Technology, Sport, English, Spanish, Art, Science, Music, German, History, and Biology. The author shares her preferences and dislikes towards different subjects.. The key topics included in this slideshow are French, learnings, Maths, Drama, Geography, Technology, Sport, English, Spanish, Art, Science, Music, German, History, Biology, opinions, j'adore, j'aime, je déteste, je préfère, je n'aime pas,. Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

1. what ive learned in French by amy vickery

2. subjects Maths - les maths Drama lart dramatique geography - la gographie technology - la technologie sport/pe - les sport english - langais spanish - lespangol art - le dessin science - le sciences music - la musique german - lallemand history - histoire french - francais biology - biologie

3. opinions I love - jadore I like - jaime I hate - jdeteste I prefer - je prf re I dont like - je naime pas because it is - parce que cest eg. Jadore le sport et je naime pas les maths. Jaime lart dramatique mais je prf re le dessin parce que cest amusant.

4. lessons and days Lessons first lesson - premire second lesson - deuxime third lesson - troisime fourth lesson - quatrime fifth lesson - cinquime sixth lesson - sixime Days monday - lundi tuesday - mardi wednesday - mercredi thursday - jeudi friday - vendredi eg. jai sport en deuxime heure le mercredi = i have sport in second lesson on wednesday.

5. Adjectives ok - cest ok amusing - amusant great - magnifique brilliant - brilliant boring - ennuyeux interesting - intressant good - bon fun - plaisir exciting - pasionnant alright - ca va awful - moche super - super egh - bof rubbish - nul

6. Time! Whole/round number = .... heures. quarter past = .... heures et quart. half past = .... heures et demie. quarter to = .... heures et moins quart. a certain amount of mins past = .... heures .... midday = midi midnight = minuit

7. Past tense and present I play - je joue I played - jai jou I do - je fais I did - jai fait when there is an e with an accent thats when you pronounce it. jai is the word used for I when it used in past tense je is the word used for i in the present tense.

8. Everyday activities je me lve - I get up je ma lave - I have a wash je fais mes devoirs - I do my homework je dne - I have dinner je rentre la maison - I go home je mhabille I get dressed je me couche - I go to bed jarrive cole - I arrive at school je prends mon petit djeuner I have breakfast je regarde la tl - I watch television

9. When to do things ...... plus tard - ..... later eg. dix minuits plus tard - 10 mins later .... heures plus tard - ..... later. eg. une demi heures plus tard - half an hour later dhabitude - normally (normalement) aprs ca - afterwards/after that aussitt que possible - as soon as possible


11. By Amy Vickery!