Understanding Civil Society and Regional Advocacy Needs

Understanding Civil Society and Regional Advocacy Needs

This article explores the concept of civil society, which is neither part of the private sector for profit nor the government. Civil society presents a powerful, respectful image and can provide policy makers with information to make important decisions. It also keeps issues in the view of the government and the population, making it a powerful force for change. Additionally, the article discusses the importance of regional advocacy needs. This includes putting evidence in simple layman terms and creating a regional database of scientific evidence on non-communicable diseases. Engaging civil society, building skills in advocacy and literacy for engagement, and getting a perspective from the ground up are also essential. Finally, access to effective communications channels, such as social media, is crucial to achieving success in regional advocacy efforts.

About Understanding Civil Society and Regional Advocacy Needs

PowerPoint presentation about 'Understanding Civil Society and Regional Advocacy Needs'. This presentation describes the topic on This article explores the concept of civil society, which is neither part of the private sector for profit nor the government. Civil society presents a powerful, respectful image and can provide policy makers with information to make important decisions. It also keeps issues in the view of the government and the population, making it a powerful force for change. Additionally, the article discusses the importance of regional advocacy needs. This includes putting evidence in simple layman terms and creating a regional database of scientific evidence on non-communicable diseases. Engaging civil society, building skills in advocacy and literacy for engagement, and getting a perspective from the ground up are also essential. Finally, access to effective communications channels, such as social media, is crucial to achieving success in regional advocacy efforts.. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1What Is  Civil  Society What  Is  Civil  Society  Neither private sector (for profit) nor government  Presents a powerful respectful image  Can assist in providing policy makers with information to make decisions  Keeps issues in the view of the government and the population  Have power for change

Slide2Regional Needs  in  Terms  of Advocacy Regional  Needs  in  Terms  of Advocacy  Putting evidence in simple/layman terms and talking points so they can speak to issues and made widely available  Create regional data base of the scientific evidence on NCDs  Engaging civil society …  building skills in advocacy and literacy for engagement  .. Getting a perspective from the ground up  Access to effective communications channels, social media

Slide3Regional Needs  in  Terms  of Advocacy Regional  Needs  in  Terms  of Advocacy  Education system school curriculum to include healthy lifestyle messages and promote advocacy at youth level  Who are the targets?  Policy makers and Community  We need credible champions to communicate to the policy makers  Development of local champions within communities  Access to the policy makers

Slide4The Way  Forward The  Way  Forward  Regional Database … Develop directory of civil society groups/ interests & services/ best buys  Establishment of a Secretariat for the HCC  Resources required for a Secretariat can be acquired through partners of the Coalition  Establish Regional database of scientific evidence  Establish HCC Focal Points in different countries (Work with existing members of the HCC)  Strengthen relationship with existing civil society networks in Caribbean countries

Slide5The Way  Forward The  Way  Forward  Have access at the regional, political decision making level