The Science of Life: Biology and the Characteristics of Living Things

The Science of Life: Biology and the Characteristics of Living Things

The study of biology, or bio-logy, focuses on the characteristics that make living things unique. All living things are composed of cells, whether it's a single

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About The Science of Life: Biology and the Characteristics of Living Things

PowerPoint presentation about 'The Science of Life: Biology and the Characteristics of Living Things'. This presentation describes the topic on The study of biology, or bio-logy, focuses on the characteristics that make living things unique. All living things are composed of cells, whether it's a single. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1The Science of Life Biology  bio = living or life  -logy = the study of

Slide2Characteristics of Life Cells  All living things are composed of cells.  Organization  All living things are highly organized  At the molecular and cellular level  From atoms to organisms  Energy Use  All living things use energy in a process called metabolism.  Sum of all the chemical processes that occur in the organism

Slide3Characteristics of Life Homeostasis  All livings maintain stable internal conditions.  Example: water balance, temperature  Growth  All living things grow, as do many nonliving things.  Some nonliving things, like rock crystals, grow by accumulating more of the materials they are made of.  Living things grow by cell enlargement and cell division.

Slide4Characteristics of Life Reproduction  All species of organisms have the ability to reproduce.  Change Through Time  Populations of living organisms evolve through time  Importance: without change a specie is prone to becoming extinct.

Slide5Biology- Classification Three Domains of Life  Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya  Six Kingdoms  Eubacteria  Archaebacteria  Protista  Fungi  Plantae  Animalia

Slide6Scientific Method(1) Observation  (Identify a problem) (2) Research  the problem (3) Form a  hypothesis

Slide7Scientific Method(3) Hypothesizing   (a)  Hypothesis  is a suggested explanation for what has been seen and recorded, it explains your observations and can be tested.   (b) Very important step (4)  Predicting    * To test a hypothesis, scientists make a prediction   that logically follows from the hypothesis. *A  prediction  is a statement made in advance that states the results that will be obtained from testing a hypothesis, if the hypothesis is supported. *Most often takes the form of an “if-then” statement.

Slide8Scientific Method(5) Experimenting (a) the process of testing a hypothesis or prediction by gathering data under controlled conditions. (b)  Controlled experiment * based on a comparison of a  control    group  with an  experimental group       the control group and the        experimental group are designed to        be identical except for one factor.

Slide9Scientific Method            Independent variable  is the one factor. + horizontal (X) axis    Dependent variable  is measured or observed in both control and experimental groups. Dependent because        it is driven by or results from the independent variable. +vertical (Y) axis (c)  Analyzing Data (6) Drawing conclusions (a)  Modeling-  Visual, verbal, or mathematical (b)  Inferring-  a conclusion made on the basis of facts or premises rather than on direct observations.

Slide10Scientific Method(c)  Forming a Theory-  a broad and comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true. Supported by considerable evidence and may tie together several related hypotheses.