The Elements of Humor: A Quick Review

The Elements of Humor: A Quick Review

The Elements of Humor are focused on comic characters, situations, and wordplay. These three elements often combine to create the funny things that we all laugh at, but it can

About The Elements of Humor: A Quick Review

PowerPoint presentation about 'The Elements of Humor: A Quick Review'. This presentation describes the topic on The Elements of Humor are focused on comic characters, situations, and wordplay. These three elements often combine to create the funny things that we all laugh at, but it can. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1Th e Eleme n ts of Humo r (a quick r e view . . . )

Slide2Th e Eleme n ts of Humo r focus on  comic characters ,  situations , and  wordplay .  Humor often depends on some combination of these  THREE elements.

Slide3Although we all laugh at funny peopleand events, it can sometimes be difficult to analyze  SPECIFICALLY  what makes something funny.  There are, however, various “elements of humor.”  Here are some of the most important:

Slide41. Co mic chara c ters and car i catures

Slide51. Co mic chara c ters and caricatures: illustrate and focus on specific features, traits, characteristics, and actions of a person or group of people and make them humorous.

Slide112.  Com ic si t uations comedy in which the comedic effect depends chiefly upon the involvement of the main characters in a predicament or ludicrous, complex circumstances  

Slide12--A charac ter “tra n sports” in t o a differe n t ti m e p e riod

Slide15--Theu n expected happ e ns . . .

Slide193.  Co m i c La n gua g e

Slide20  on e -lin e rs . . .

Slide21 . . . Cam pers: Nature's wa y  of fe e ding mo s quito e s.

Slide22We liv e in a society  w here piz z a gets to your  h ouse b e fore t h e pol i ce.

Slide23  pu n s . . .

Slide24  . . . I'm  glad I  k now sign language;  i t's pret t y h a ndy.

Slide25Wh en W i lliam jo i ned the  a rmy  h e disli k ed the phras e  ‘f i re at  w ill.’

Slide26  hy p erb o les . . .

Slide27“She is so dumb, she thinks TacoBell is a Mexican phone company.”

Slide28"A ma n can have a be l ly you could house commercial aircraft in and a grand total of eight  g reasy stran d s of hair, which he grows  r eal long and  c ombs across the top of his head so that he looks, when viewed from above,  l ike an egg in the grasp of a giant  s pider, plus this man can have B.O. to the p o int where he interferes  w ith radio t r ansmissions, and he will still be co n vinced that, in terms  o f attractiveness, he is bor d erline [Zac Efron]." - Dav e  Barry, Reven g e of the  P ork Pe r son