Making Weather Observations: Measuring the Weather

Making Weather Observations: Measuring the Weather

Meteorologists use various instruments to measure and track weather patterns. One of the most common instruments is a thermometer, which is used to measure temperature changes by using a graduated glass tube with

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About Making Weather Observations: Measuring the Weather

PowerPoint presentation about 'Making Weather Observations: Measuring the Weather'. This presentation describes the topic on Meteorologists use various instruments to measure and track weather patterns. One of the most common instruments is a thermometer, which is used to measure temperature changes by using a graduated glass tube with. The key topics included in this slideshow are . Download this presentation absolutely free.

Presentation Transcript

Slide1How do meteorologists makeweather observations? Measuring the Weather

Slide21. Thermometer• An instrument for measuring temperature, especially one having a graduated glass tube with a bulb containing a liquid, typically mercury or colored alcohol, that expands and rises in the tube as the temperature increases.

Slide32. Barometer• An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.

Slide43. Rain Gauge• Any instrument designed to measure rain amount.

Slide54. Anemometer• An instrument for measuring and recording the speed of the wind

Slide65. Radiosonde• A miniature radio carried aloft by an unmanned balloon to broadcast the pressure, temperature, and relative humidity of the upper air and to automatically transmit that information to the ground.

Slide76. Weather Satellite• A satellite that orbits Earth taking pictures, for example monitoring the temperature and measuring the height of waves.

Slide87. Doppler Radar• A special kind of radar system that measures the distance and direction of rain.

Slide98. Observations• Eyes, ears, and smell are probably the most accurate tools. Observing the clouds, precipitation, and color of the sky.